We launched a Global Non-Profit Startup Support Service Forum with several academic and healthcare charities and philanthropists to support academic nonprofits and healthcare startups primarily in the United States and, to a lesser extent, in India and the Arab world.
The goal of the forum is to bring together leaders, visionaries, and changemakers from the fields of education, healthcare, the non-profit, and corporate sectors to develop strategies and action plans to help and empower nonprofit startups to achieve and advance their goals.
It supports and empowers medical and academic charitable startups by providing them with comprehensive end-to-end services, holistic solutions, strategic guidance, and monitoring to enable them to deliver their mission more efficiently and effectively.
The Forum will provide guidance and support for startups from the early phases of conception, planning, launching, monitoring, and completion to the successful operation of the organization.
The forum also aims to increase awareness of social responsibility among students and the general public, as well as to advance corporate social responsibility in the corporate sector.